
This site is meant to stay on simple html and have no side bars, the objective is to be able to access to this site from a dumbphone or a feature phone

My phone:

Untill now i've been using my phone to access to AO3 (specifically to my painspainstakingly filtered Jason Todd tag) and to gmail that has a quite simple html page for dumbphones.

Supposedly I was formally instructed on html/css and creating websites but I feel that creating a nice/good site requires more creativity than instruction. I start this site with a lot of thougths about what to do with it, part of me thinks i shoud hurry an get a blog template and make this into a post instead, but I also believe that I should keep this simple and simply state what is the objective of this site on its creation.

  1. Have a simple home page for my dumbphone
  2. Brush up my web page knowledge (and gain more)
  3. Contribute (even if it is in a stupid way) to bringing back Web 1.0

I dont know still how i want to structure this site, i dont think i want to center it around bloggin as i never was interested on that, but i believe i could have a link to my tumblr (im not sure yet so im not putting it now) but even though is a blogging plataform that site (mine) does not have a single original post that is not a picture or a manga cap.

I think i would like to periodically embed a tumblr post on here but it must be unlinked if posible

I think i could add footers and headers to this site without breaking it


The online editor is not very intuitive: I have become acostumed to vscode but i feel that if i pull out the IDE im gonna try to make it perfect and never publish. I know I could create my perfect site as much as I know I could keep my room clean and tidy, alas the demons they chase me.

PS: (As this were a letter) English is not my native language so this site is bound to be riddled with grammatical and ortographical mistakes. Sorry.


Also some way to make aditions from cellphone, even if the way is a simple password

Hasta ahora todo se ve bien en el celu, incluso la imagen del celu, esperaba que e viera la imagen a tamaño completo y las letras super chiquititas pero no, se ve bien, Tener un menu seria bueno. La pagina de yesterweb se ve igual que mi tumblr, se ve horizontal por alguna razón

re:tumblr quiza una especie de cliente que solo copie/vaya a buscar los textposts
